
In PATHS OF LIFE, three peo­p­le look back on their lives and give insights into how they have dealt with life cri­ses and what visi­ons they have deve­lo­ped from them. At the same time, through the sto­ry of Par­zi­val, a phi­lo­so­pher, artist and the­ra­pist shows drug addic­ted teen­agers a sym­bo­lic way out of fail­ure into life in order to come back into reso­nan­ce with them­sel­ves and the world.

The world is full of peo­p­le who have stop­ped lis­tening to them­sel­ves or have lis­ten­ed only to their neigh­bors to learn what they ought to do, how they ought to behave, and what the values are they should be living for.

Joseph Camp­bell, «The Power of Myth»


Script, Direc­tion, Pho­to­gra­phy   Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger
Editing   Fran­zis­ka Schli­en­ger, Amau­ry Ber­ger, Samu­el Kel­len­ber­ger, Tho­mas Lue­chin­ger
Sound   Samu­el Kel­len­ber­ger, Wer­ner Graf
Pro­duc­tion Manage­ment   Cathe­ri­ne De Clercq
Color Gra­ding   REDSPACE AG, Rolf Lang
Sound Design and Mix   Ephrem Lue­chin­ger, Manu­el Rind­lis­ba­cher
Score   Ephrem Lue­chin­ger, Manu­el Rind­lis­ba­cher

Alex­an­der Lau­t­er­was­ser, Avi­va Gold, Mar­cus Pan, Sólv­eig Kat­rín Jóns­dót­tir

Production & Release

Pro­duc­tion   roses for you film, Switz­er­land, 2020
Copro­duc­tion   Swiss Radio and Tele­vi­si­on
Pro­duc­tion peri­od   2017–2019
Ori­gi­nal ver­si­on   English/German/Islandic
For­mat   16:9, color, sur­round 5.1
Run­time   84 min.
Gen­re   Docu­men­ta­ry
SUI­SA-No.   1013.872
ISAN   0000–0004-B8D6-0000-Q-0000–0000‑X
Cine­ma­tic pre­mie­re   March 2020 (Switz­er­land)
Dis­tri­bu­ti­on   roses for you film